All You Need to Know about Collagen Injection

If you want to plump up your skin and reverse the signs of aging, your dermatologist or doctor might recommend Collagen Injections. As you age, the amount of collagen in your body reduces, and as a result, sagging skin and wrinkles becomes more apparent. Naturally, your body produces collagen up to a specific age, however, when you cross your 20s, the production slows down, and ultimately, your body stops producing its collagen. Collagen is made of fibroblast cells located in your skin's second layer of dermis. Aging and some environmental factors like UV exposure cause a reduction in collagen production. Thus, the older and sun-kissed your skin is, the less collagen your body will produce naturally. Let’s know more about collagen, collagen injection, its benefits, procedure, and what target areas it can treat in this guide.

What is Collagen, Exactly?
Collagen is a natural protein made up of amino acids in your skin, bones, tendons, and muscles.
Moreover, it can perform many vital functions in your body. These functions include helping to keep cells together, supporting bones, and keeping your skin tight. With skin, collagen aids in stimulating skin cell turnover, which helps to enhance the elasticity of your skin and radiance.
It also helps with hydrating, pigmentations, and strengthening your skin. Your body gets collagen by breaking down protein-rich foods, which share the amino acids that your body requires to make collagen. Nutrients like copper and vitamin C also help your body to make collagen. As you age, your body makes less collagen, and the quality of it also falls; as a result, your skin begins to develop wrinkles, scar, or sag more quickly.

Collagen Injections
These injections instantly and directly replace the structure and volume around your mouth, nose, and cheeks. These are emanated from the fat of cows or bovine collagen or humans (from other parts of the body). However, bovine collagen needs allergy testing to use.

Target Areas for Collagen Injections
These injections are not a one-trick pony, and more to smooth out lines on different areas of your face, they can give plumpness to the following as well: Cheeks, lips, acne scars, and stretch marks. Regarding the latter, collagen has more to do with stretch marks than you might think. Stretch marks are due to skin stretching or shrinking too quickly. This can be due to several reasons, like pregnancy, sudden weight gain or loss, growth spurts, and muscle training.

Benefits of Collagen Injections
Collagen injections have the following benefits:

Replace the Natural Collagen
With the breakdown of naturally occurring collagen with age, collagen injection can replace your body’s original supply. It is liable for your skin’s elasticity, leaving your skin with a more youthful impression.

Improve the Appearance of Scars
Soft tissue fillers like collagen are perfect if you want improvement in the formation of depressed, sunken, or hollow scars. Bovine collagen can help to boost collagen growth and helps to promote skin depression due to scars.

Plump the lips
Collagen lip fillers can assist plump up your lips, adding volume and fullness.

Collagen fillers deliver a long-lasting result to obtain younger-looking skin. They help decrease wrinkles, plump the lips, and improve the appearance of scars. When determining a treatment like this, ensure you choose a board-certified dermatologist, ask questions, and understand that you may need several injections before seeing the desired results.

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